Eventual Consistency via Domain Events and Azure Service Bus

I’m going to start this article by explaining what Eventual Consistency is, how it compares to Transactional Consistency, and when we should consider designing a solution with this approach. Next we’re going to look at Domain Events, see what their role is in relation to eventual consistency and also how we can identify them in the domain language. Finally, based on a simple scenario, we’ll go through the implementation details of a proposed architecture, using Azure Service Bus messaging system.

Transactional vs Eventual

As the name implies it, eventual consistency is about being consistent, well, eventually. In this context eventually means at a later time. It’s easier to understand this concept when comparing it to transactional consistency, as in the following diagrams:

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Unit of Work implementation in the context of DDD, using EF and Unity

I’m going to keep the introduction short as I believe the title is pretty self-explanatory but I do want to emphasize from the beginning that the goal here wasn’t to create a ‘One to rule them all’ implementation of the Unit of Work pattern. There is a variety of feature-rich implementations online but before going for the ‘ultimate’ one I would advise following the Yagni principle. Start simple, learn what you need and adapt.

The main goal here is to show how this pattern fits with a DDD mindset and how it can be easily implemented using the technologies mentioned. I will demonstrate this in two popular scenarios:

  • A web application using ASP.NET Web API – the UI
  • A console application – the background process

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